Dr Johannes Tol is a Dutch trained Sports Medicine Physician who previously worked with international athletes from several Dutch sports associations and professional football clubs. He has a strong background in research with a PhD in which he studied Anterior Ankle Joint Impingement and continues to supervise ongoing PhD projects.
- 2004: Specialty Training in Sports Medicine, The Netherlands
- 2003 PhD: “Etiology, Diagnosis and Arthroscopic Treatment of the Anterior Ankle Impingement Syndrome (Prof.dr. C Niek van Dijk), University of Amsterdam
- 1999 MD: University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam
- 1994 MsC: Sports Science, Free Universtity, Faculty of Human Movement Science, Exercise Physiology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Career Achievements
- 2011-present: Senior Associate Editor, British Journal of Sports Medicine
- 2007-2011: Editor, The Dutch and Flemish Journal of Sports Medicine
- 2007-2011: Lecturer, Hogeschool Utrecht, Master Degree Sports Physical Therapy, Utrecht, The Netherlands
- 2004-2011: Sports Medicine Consultant, The Hague Medical Center, The Netherlands
- 2004-2011: Co-supervisor speciality training of Sports Medicine Residents,The Netherlands
- 2003-2010: Guest lecturer, Leiden University Medical Center; University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands