Aspetar ACL Rehabilitation Protocol

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In Aspetar it is our mission to assist all athletes achieve their maximum performance and full potential. Our vision is to be a global reference centre in sports medicine. Specific to Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) rehabilitation we aim to help every athlete, regardless of their participation level, get back to their desired sport and activity as quickly and safely as possible. In addition, we want to advance the standard of ACL rehabilitation worldwide

Through continuous review and enhancement of our clinical practice, pathways, and research, we aim to improve rehabilitation strategies and outcomes after ACL injury.

The Aspetar ACL Rehabilitation Protocol outlines the key physical qualities that need to be addressed during rehabilitation. It specifies when these qualities should be introduced, highlights key milestones along the journey, and establishes criteria marking the completion of rehabilitation and the return to baseline sporting participation.

There is a huge variety of exercise selection, coaching and programming methods, that can all achieve similar results and outcomes. The key to the process, and the aim of this protocol, is to ensure consistency among all parties involved in rehabilitation regarding the key performance indicators assessed and addressed throughout the process.

This consistency guarantees a unified approach when introducing and achieving crucial milestones in the rehabilitation journey. This protocol undergoes constant review and evolution to align with advancements in research and clinical practice. It serves as a roadmap for both clinicians and athletes, facilitating their rehabilitation journey and ensuring a safe and efficient arrival at the endpoint.

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