26/02/2017 12:00 AM
Aspetar attaches great importance to the development of its professionals. The conference provided the ideal opportunity for its employees to join with nursing healthcare professionals in sharing insights on how to apply enhanced inter-professional collaboration to improve patient care, and to define the emerging role of nurses within sports medicine teams.
Participants were able to discuss major developments in providing healthcare for athletes and benefit from Aspetar’s contributions to global research in this regard, supporting the development of wider capabilities among nursing teams and their ability to provide the best healthcare services to their patients. Global leadership in research is one factor that has helped make Aspetar the preferred destination for major local, regional and international sports clubs and which means the hospital attracts star athletes for treatment.
The conference addressed some of the most important current topics in the field of sports medicine and orthopaedic surgery such as the assessment and management of cardiac problems as well as emergency care management skills for sports injuries and illnesses sustained on the field. Other topics included an overview of the list of substances that are banned for athletes, the emerging role of nurses within sports medicine teams, advanced patient care, details of common sports medicine surgeries and approaches to assessing surgical wounds
Commenting on the conference, Aspetar’s Director of Nursing Ibrahim Al-Hussain, said:
Aspetar realised at an early stage the importance of investing in developing the skills and capabilities of specialist nursing healthcare professionals, helping to build their knowledge and scientific understanding
This conference provides the ideal platform for healthcare providers, particularly nurses, who wish to hone their skills and improve their knowledge in the field of sports medicine
The conference is further evidence of Aspetar’s continued efforts to remain at the forefront of the latest developments in sports medicine and orthopaedic surgery in order to assist athletes in achieving maximum performance and realising their full potential. It constitutes another step on Aspetar’s path to achieve its vision to be a global leader in sports medicine and exercise sciences.
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About Aspetar:
Aspetar is a world leading specialised orthopaedic and sports medicine hospital, and the first of its kind in the Middle East. Since 2007, with a world expert team, the hospital has provided top-level comprehensive medical treatment to all athletes in a state-of-the-art facility that sets new standards internationally.
In 2009, Aspetar was accredited as a “FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence” by F-MARC. In 2013, Aspetar was adopted as a reference collaborator centre by the Gulf Countries Council (GCC) Health Ministers Council and “IOC Research Centre for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health” in 2014.
In 2015, Aspetar has been recognised as the “IHF Reference Centre for Athlete and Referee Health”. In the same year, the hospital also achieved the obtained on December 15 the Accreditation Canada International (ACI) “Platinum Level”.