High-level scientific research is of critical importance to Aspetar, as advancing scientific knowledge significantly improves clinical practice for the presenting athletes/patients. Emiri Decree Number 1 2008 requires Aspetar to conduct research (and education) programmes within sports medicine, orthopaedic surgery and sport sciences.
Inherent to this duty, is the continuous strive to improve the health and well-being of individuals participating in sport (both athletes and the general public). High-quality research supports Aspetar vision to be a ‘global leader in sports medicine and exercise scienceand provides content for education activities of practitioners in Qatar and Worldwide. In 2014, Aspetar was officially recognised as an IOC Research Centre for Prevention of Injury and Protection of Athlete Health.
Research activities have been historically conducted on various topics relevant Aspetar’s mission and have informed clinical practice not only in Qatar but also around the World. Aspetar staff is in fact often invited to chair and present at international scientific conferences in various areas of sports medicine, orthopedic surgery and sports science.